New canal of Aras River
The customer was "The Land Reclamation and Water Management" OJSC of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
A new river canal was designed in 2010 to relieve the existing river canals of the Aras and Kura rivers during the high floods. The course is an earthen canal with a total length of 130 km and a width of 200 m at the beginning of the route and 100 m after the 5th km.
Water flow in this canal carries out through headworks located on the right bank of the Aras River, 800 m upstream of the existing Bahramtapa waterworks facility.
The headworks is of 16-span open gateway controller (16 х 5,0 m), designed to permit maximum flow of Q = 700 м³ / sec. The construction is equipped with 16 deep roller gates DR-85 5,0 x 3,5-6 m and a motor highway bridge-crossing.
Several weirs were built at the intersection of the new canal with other watercourses:
- Three-point guniting concrete drain tunnel 3 x (4.0 x 3.5) on the existing canal named after Azizbayov for flow of Q = 70 м³ / s with total length of 448 m;
- Two-point metal conduit 2 x D = 2000 mm on the existing canal P-2 for the flow rate of Q = 8.68 m³ / s with a length of 170 m;
- Сombined conduit for the flow rate of Q = 1.0 m³ / s (D = 1200 mm) with a total length of about 125 m.
The construction start date is 2010, and the construction period is 1 year.